By Tomm | December 14, 2023 | Comments 0 Comment
But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification and redemption.
1 Corinthians 1:30
How is it that Christ has become for us wisdom from God? If we are going to have this discussion we must define wisdom. Proverbs declares, ‘The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.’ Wisdom begins with reverence for God. Thus there is within that the understanding that God is and that He has revealed Himself. Wisdom entails understanding that He has revealed Himself in creation and in the Scriptures. The written word of God leads us to Christ, the Living Word. So Christ becomes wisdom from God. Humanity goes astray by attempting to gain wisdom without considering God Who is the source of it. Apart from Him foolishness and ignorance is rampant. If we begin with reverence for Him, we proceed to increase in wisdom as we know more of Christ. The glorious fact is that this is a never-ending process. Christ is wisdom from God for us now and shall continue to be throughout all eternity. We shall never completely plumb the depth of the wisdom He is. It is exciting to contemplate drinking from the fountain of wisdom for all eternity. What is lovely for us today is that God has made Christ wisdom from Him already. We have the foretaste of glory divine now. It will only increase as time passes into eternity. Today let us rejoice in all Christ is to us, but especially that God has made Him wisdom to us.
God of Grace and Glory,
we rejoice that You are all wise.
We praise You that You have made
Christ wisdom to us.
Tomm Tice
Where the Bush is Burning