By Deborah | December 24, 2022 | Comments 0 Comment
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 1:14
As we move nearer to the day we have chosen to celebrate the First Coming of Our Savior, we will take the opportunity for the next few days to dwell upon the text before us. Christ is the Living Word of God. John makes that abundantly clear in the introduction to His gospel. To hark back to Psalm 138, God has, ‘magnified (His) word above all (His) Name.’ God sets a premium upon the Person of Christ. So, ought we also to do. As we consider our text for today, let us dwell upon these words, ‘And the Word became flesh.’ Here is a thought that is utterly worthy of our meditation. Considering the environment from which Christ came, it is utterly miraculous that He was willing to become human at all. He was enjoying perfect, harmonious fellowship with His Father and the Holy Spirit. For Him to condescend to make ‘Himself of no reputation’ and to ‘take the form of a servant,’ was, if possible, even more miraculous. What is most miraculous was the purpose for which He did these things. The cross was ever before Him. The world of sinners was around Him. The result of all His labors would not reach fruition for years, centuries, and even millennia. So, all of this taken together, for our consideration, leaves us to marvel at ‘the Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes became poor that you, through His poverty might become rich.’
Our Good and Wise God,
we rejoice that You have sent to us Your Well-Beloved Son.
We praise You, that He has become one of us,
in order to bring us safely unto You.
Tomm Tice
Where the Bush is Burning