By Deborah | November 14, 2022 | Comments 0 Comment
Be glad in the LORD and rejoice, you righteous; and shout for joy, all you upright in heart!
Psalm 32:11
David concludes this psalm with joy and gladness. He encourages all those who trust in God. He has expounded the blessedness of the person whose transgression is forgiven and whose sin is covered. He has lived through days of dryness and known the relief of confession of sin. He has rested in the assurances of the preserving hand of God upon him. He has articulated the very promises of God to instruct, teach, and guide him. He has contrasted the consequence of wicked choices with the end result of faith. Now he calls upon all who have been with him through his discourse to be glad and rejoice. He calls for the shout of joy. This is the disposition of the believer. Christ has done all things well. We have forgiveness of sins because of Christ. We have daily cleansing by the blood of Christ as we confess our sins. We look to Christ to preserve us from trouble. We believe His promises to instruct, teach, and guide us. We know the way of wickedness will end in sorrow. We are certain that mercy will surround those who trust in Christ. Thus David’s call to us is a good one. We can rejoice. We have every reason to shout of or joy. David’s God is our God. David’s Christ is our Christ. He is ours and we are His forever.
Our Glorious, Living God,
we rejoice that we have every reason to be glad in You.
We praise You that we can shout with joy now,
And shall continue forever.
Tomm Tice
Where the Bush is Burning